Refurbished & Used Firewall

If you are looking for firewall security for your business that is cost-effective and also fulfills your needs, then Impressive Computers is the leading refurbished & used firewall supplier in Mumbai. Before we go ahead, let me help you understand the short-term importance of a firewall.This is nothing but the first line of defense for your network's security. This is nothing but a form of cyber security that monitors your incoming and outgoing network traffic. When we say it is the first line of defense, this helps to protect and block any malicious traffic requests and data packets while letting through legitimate traffic.


There are different types of firewall deployment, but the most commonly used ones are software, hardware, and cloud-based. Each firewall works in light of foreordained rules to figure out which outside organizations and applications can be relied upon. In that capacity, firewalls are a critical part of any organization's security engineering.

Key Features of Refurbished & Used Firewalls

  1. Model and Manufacturer:There are so many brands in the market, such as; Juniper Firewalls, Cisco Firewalls, Palo Alto Firewalls, etc. But you need to decide who will fill your needs, depending on their reputation and feature set. Once you decide, you also, need to cross-check if the brand still supports firmware updates and security patches.
  2. Type of Firewall:Discover the facts about the different types of firewalls. Examples: packet filtering, stateful inspection, NGFW. Then you can match the type of firewall to your security requirements and network complexity.
  3. Performance Specifications:The most common specification you need to check is throughput, number of concurrent connections, and session handling capacity. Also, check if the firewall you are selecting will handle the traffic load and performance requirements of your network.
  4. Security Features:Before you finalize the brand and product, you need to check the firewall’s security capabilities. The important parameters are Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), virtual private network (VPN) support, application awareness, and anti-malware protection.

Advantages of Refurbished & Used Firewalls

  1. Cost saving:If you are planning to go for refurbished and used Cisco firewalls or any other brand in comparison to new ones, they are cost-effective. So, if you are small to medium-sized business with limited budgets, then this is a more beneficial option for them.
  2. Environmental Friendly and Immediate Availability:When you purchase refurbished and used firewalls or any other brand, you are directly saving the environment as you are promoting the recycling and reuse of existing technology. This will help to reduce direct and indirect E-waste (electric). As this is already abandoned by the user and ready for re-use, you can get one easily without waiting.
  3. Refurbished & Used Firewalls Application of product

    Our Impressive Computers is the leading refurbished & used firewall supplier in Mumbai They offer budget constraints and firewalls for smaller businesses. Which also covers Compliance and Regulation for your product with a proper certificate. They are well known to provide you with legacy systems that are more compatible with your needs and have an extended lifecycle. If you are at ease, you can test on your own, but they do make sure it is tested and well developed in the lab with proof of concept. Still, if you want, you can cross-check and take care of this additional application for your ease.

  4. Warranty, Support, Performance, and Updates:You are going for refurbished or used firewalls that don't come with the same warranty, support, performance, etc. in comparison to new ones. This is one of the most asked questions with every buyer. So make sure you go for the latest used firewalls, and do make sure you go for a refurbished firewall that can still receive firmware and security updates.
  5. Compatibility and Security Risks:Before you go for purchase, you need to make sure your device is properly sanitized and reset to avoid any security risks from previous configurations or malware. Also, check if your firewall has up-to-date security features and can handle current threats effectively. Not only this, do check if your refurbished firewall meets the specific requirements of your network infrastructure, including throughput and capacity.
  6. Types of products in Refurbished & Used Firewalls

    Before we get into specification on this, we want to share the basic difference between Refurbished & Used Firewalls. Refurbished firewalls are typically pre-owned devices that have been restored to a like-new condition, and used firewalls are pre-owned devices that may or may not have been refurbished. Firewalls have a few options to explore, please check below for clarification.

  7. Hardware Firewalls:These types of firewalls are dedicated to dedicated devices with their own operating systems and hardware designed for firewall functions. This is set up to monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic and is also combined with multiple security functions, including firewalls, antivirus, intrusion detection, and more.
  8. Software Firewalls:As we all know, these run on the server's operating system, and we need to protect the same server it has its operating system, the same as Apple and Windows
  9. Brands and Models

    Here are some common brands and models you might find in the refurbished or used firewall market, and most of the things that you get with them are, and if you want to know what they are, you can check them out below:

  10. Cisco: ASA Series, Firepower Series:When you are planning to buy refurbished or used Cisco firewalls, there are so many things that you need to check, as this will help you get a reliable product that meets your needs. Do check the warranty of the product you will get with that, so you can have peace of mind. Still, if you want, you can try using the product to make sure it all functions perfectly.

  11. Palo Alto Networks: PA Series:If you are looking to go for Refurbished and Used Palo Alto Firewalls, they offer you one of the genuine products, and the best part is that they’ve been properly tested and specialize in network security equipment, and they have well verified the product with a warranty, so if you come across any crucial coverage in case of defects or issues.

  12. Juniper: Juniper also offers refurbished Juniper firewalls and used Juniper firewalls with certification and warranty. They do make sure that before they sell you the product, it is well tested and inspected, with an attached report and document for the same. It will also cover the changes you need to make to upgrade to the latest version.

  13. Conclusion

    Refurbished and used firewalls can offer significant cost savings compared to new devices, making them an attractive option for organizations with budget constraints or those looking to expand their network security affordably. In summary, refurbished and used firewalls can be a practical and cost-effective solution for many organizations, provided that due diligence is exercised in their selection and purchase.

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